firstFlap is a natural follow-up to our first web pages on Scouting memorabilia, firstCSP. We gratefully acknowledge the help and support of a great many Scouters in providing scans and information. The basic information comes from the Blue Book (which itself relied on the input and efforts of a great many Scouters and Scouting memorabilia collectors) which provides the flap designations on which firstFlap is based. We would like to acknowledge the work of Bill Topkis and Jeff Morley and their 1992 book, First Flaps and the more recent First Flaps in Color by Morley, Tokis, Thomas and Gould. The books contain much additional information and belong on the reference shelf of any serious collector of Order of the Arrow pocket flaps. We'd also like to acknowledge the work of John Pannell, who collected many of these images and preserved them on his own website, before they disappeared. A special note of thanks to the folks at Brush Creek Trading who provided us with five of the last seven scans we needed and Bill Topkis who provided the final scan.

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  revised: April 27, 2002