What are Chang
list patches?
They are counterfeits of U.S. CSPs, lodge
flaps and other memorabilia being offered for sale through e-mail
on the internet.
Offered as overruns, they are often copies
of the real thing. The advent of computerized looms on which
the originals were made means that if you can get access to the
original punch codes and a computerized loom, all you need to
do is match the thread colors. Sort of like having access to
the original printing plates and paper stock used by a currency
printer; all you need to do is match the ink color to make a
perfect copy.
A number of U.S. Councils and OA lodges
that use overseas patch suppliers have found their supposedly
restricted event and fundraising CSP and flaps turning up on
Mr. Chang's lists, and offerred for auction on EBAY, some even
before they are issued.
After the furor of Mr. Chang's first list,
he promised to get out of the Boy Scout patch business, and vendors
promised councils they would destroy any overrruns. The issuance
of a second sales list by Mr. Chang offering quanitites of restricted
issues, put the lie to both promises.
To protect your self, you can do several
- Don't buy off e-mail lists offering overruns
or rejected issues
- Don't buy or trade off lists or from auction
sellers with large numbers of computer-loom (sometimes referred
to as CD) patches with the terms FOS, anniversary or NOAC, especially
is these appear to be offered at too-good-to-be-true prices.
- Buy directly from the Council offering
the patch
- Consider collecting Scouting memorabilia
rather than council and lodge issues aimed at creating "collectibles".
- Don't buy these things to give away to
Scouts "just starting out" in patch or badge collecting.
Chang sales
$1.50 A-01 Allohak Council BSA Trustworthy.
> $1.50 A-03 Allohak Council BSA Loyal.
> $1.50 A-05 Allohak Council BSA Clean.
> $1.50 A-07 Allohak Council BSA Thrifty.
> $1.50 A-08 Allohak Council A Scout is reverent.
> $1.50 A-09 Allohak Council BSA Kind.
> $1.50 A-11 Allohak Council BSA Courteous, Grocery Store.
> $1.50 A-13 Allohak Council BSA Brave.
> $1.50 A-16 Allohak Council BSA Cheerfull.
> $1.50 A-18 Allohak Council BSA Obedient
> $1.50 A-19 Allohak Council BSA Friendly.
> $1.50 A-21 Allohak Council BSA Helpful.
> $1.50 B-02 Black Hills Area Council, South Dakota Wyoming.
> $1.50 B-04 Buckeye Council Leadership for the future, Junior
> Leader Training Conference.
> $1.50 C-01 Concho Valley Council Texas Friend of Scouting.
> $1.80 C-07 California Inland Empire Council 90th Anniversary
> 1910- 2000.
> $1.50 C-10 Cherokee Area Council, Tennessee Georgia.
> $1.50 C-11 Crossroads of America Council. Crossing into
> future 2000.
> $1.50 C-13 Comanche Trail Council, West Texas Rendezvous-lll
> 2000.
> $2.00 C-14 Cape Fear Council, North Carolina 1993 National
> Jamboree, Fort A.P.Hill,Virginia
> $1.50 C-15 Courteous Crossroas of America, FOS 2000.
> $1.50 C-20 Central Ohio Council 1993 National Jamboree,
A bridge
> to the future.
> $1.80 D-01 Derect Service Council-Saudi Arabia, 50 yeas
of BSA in
> KSA 1946-1996 (13 colors).
> $1.80 D-02 Direct Service Saudi Arabia (9 colors).
> $1.80 D-05 Dan Beard Council BSA Ohio Kentucky (9 colors).
> $2.00 D-06 Del-Mar-Va Council, National Scout Jamboree 2001.
> $1.50 D-07 Del-Mar-Va Council Inc. Helpful 2000.
> $2.50 G-05 Great Salt Lake Council '93 National Jamboree
> colors).
> $1.50 G-08 Great Salt Lake Council 1935 2000 Okla. Riding
> The Future.
> $1.50 G-13 Gamehaven Council 2000 S.E. Minn.
> $1.50 G-14 Greater Western Reserve Council 90th Anni. 1910-1000.
> $2.00 Hawkeye Area Council Iowa 2001 National Jamboree.
> $1.50 I- 01 Indianhead Scouting/BSA Minnesota Wisconsin
90 years.
> $1.50 J- 01 Juniata Valley Council BSA 1997 Jamboree
> Pennsylvania.
> $1.50 K-01 Keystone Area Council Pennsylvania.
> $1.50 K-04 Katahdin Area Council Maine 2000 Y2K Compliant.
> 90th Anni. Boy scouts of America, 80th Anni. Katahin
> Area Council.
> $1.50 M-05 Miami valley Council 1960 2000 Bear Claw.
> $1.50 M-08 Miami Valley Council Ohio.
> $1.50 M-09 Miami Valley Council Woodland Trails WTSR 1959
> $1.50 M-10 Mohegan Council Massachusetts.
> $1.50 M-12 Mohegan Council Treasure Valley 1925 2000. (
> color)
> $1.50 N- 01 Narragansett Council YAWGOOG RI. Conn. Mass.
> $2.00 N- 02 N. California USA 19th World Jamboree Chile.
> $1.80 O- 01 Old Baldy Council California (10 colors).
> $1.50 O- 02 Old Baldy Council Wilderness Wood Badge.
> $1.80 O- 03 Old Baldy Council Scouting is an adventure 1999
> colors).
> $1.50 O- 04 Old Baldy Council Scouting Our Future 2000.
> $2.00 O- 06 Oregon BSA 1995 O.T.C. C.P.C. C.L.C. World Jamboree
> Holland.
> $1.50 O- 11 Okaw Valley Council, National Jamboree 2001.
> $1.80 O- 10 Okaw Valley Council Home Council of Popeye.
IL (9
> colors).
> $1.50 P-01 Pine Tree Council Maine.
> $1.50 P-04 Pony Express Council 90th Anni. 1910-2000.
> $1.50 P-05 Potawatomi Area Council Philmont 2000 Trek.
> $1.50 R-01 Robert E. Lee Council Recruiter 1910-2000 90th
> of Scouting.
> $1.80 S-04 San Gabriel Valley Council California (9 colors).
> $2.00 S-06 South Plains Council 75th Anniversary, 1925-
> $1.50 S-11 SIOUX COUNCIL SD MN IA 2000 (bear eyes).
> $1.50 S-14 Shenandoah Area Council, Virginia, West Virginia.
> $1.50 S-18 Suwanee River Area, Florida Georgia 1910-2000
> (two colors).
> $1.50 W-01 Winnebago Council, Camp Ingawanis 1924-1999 75.
> OA Flap:
> $1.50 Mitigwa Lodge 50th 1951-2001 WWW.
> $1.50 SPE LE YAI Verougo Hills.
> $1.50 TU-Cubin Noonie 50 WWW.
> $1.50 # 6 Wagion Lodge NOAC 2000 WWW.
> $1.50 #16 Tonkawampus Lodge 1929-1989 60th Anniv. 1915-1990
> 75.
> $1.50 #16 Tonkawampus Lodge WWW 1924-1999 75.
> $1.80 #18 Tonkawampus Lodge WWW 1915-1990 75 1929-1989 60th
> anniv(9 color).
> $1.50 #112 Aquehongian WWW 1938-1993 Fifty-fifth Anniversry.
> $1.80 #127 Cahuilla Lodge 127 WWW (snake head)(13 colors)
> $1.80 #127 Cahuilla Lodge 127 WWW (snake head)(13 colors)
> $2.00 #127 Cahuilla Lodge NOAC 2000 Staff OA 85th WWW (two
> colors)
> $1.50 #137 Colonneh-Lodge 60th WWW.
> $1.50 #171 Crazy Horse WWW (a set = 6 pc of diffrent color).
> $1.50 #224 Cowikee
> $3.5 #249 a set = 2 pc SPE-LE YAJ Verdugo Hills
> $1.50 #257 Agaming Lodge 1915-1990 75
> $1.80 #282 Achewon Nimat 1965-2000 35 WWW.
> $1.50 #288 Washita Lodge WWW.
> $1.50 #309 Grand Monadnock Lodge WWW.
> $1.50 #428 Loquanne Allangwh WWW NeTseO Trails Council BSA.
> $1.50 #429 Dzie-Haun Tonga WWW 1950-2000 50th Anniversary.
> $1.80 #457 Thal Coo Zyo WWW 2000 NOAC (9 colors).
> $1.50 #482 Black Eagle Lodge WWW Transatlantic Council-B.S.A.
From: Henry Chang
To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@ms42.hinet.net
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2000 10:57 PM
Subject: KF-L list of S-915
Dear Sir
From internet we know your email address, and understand that
you are
looking for a patch source for your collections & trade business.
As a patch-maker in Taiwan, we every month have some over-runs
of OA
flaps and CSP's, hope to be helpful for your collections.
Follows are over-runs list of S-915 for your reference, and
attached please
find the information regarding "Delivery & Payment".
Also we have US police patches for trade. if you have some police
like to exchange, please don't hesitate to contact us.
With best regards
Henry Chang
List of S- 915
C S P:
$2.00 A-27 Alamo Area Council Texas 2001 National Jamboree Sponsor
( 10 colors).
$1.50 C-03 Concho Valley Council Texas Friend of Scouting( a
set= 5pc of different border colors).
$1.50 C-05-1 Concho Valley Council Texas
$1.80 C-07 California Inland Empire Council 90th Anniversary
1910- 2000.
$1.50 C-10 Cherokee Area Council, Tennessee Georgia.
$1.50 C-11 Crossroads of America Council. Crossing into the future
$1.50 C-13 Comanche Trail Council, West Texas Rendezvous-lll
$2.00 C-14 Cape Fear Council, North Carolina 1993 National Jamboree,
Fort A.P.Hill,Virginia
$1.50 C-15 Courteous Crossroas of America Friendly BSA FOS 1999.
$1.50 C-17 Courteous Crossroas of America Courteous BSA FOS 2000.
$1.50 C-20 Central Ohio Council 1993 National Jamboree, A bridge
to the future.
$1.50 C-21 Calif. Inland Empire Council 1993 National Jamboree.
$1.80 D-01 Direct Service Council-Saudi Arabia, 50 yeas of BSA
in KSA 1946-1996 ( 13 colors).
$1.80 D-02 Direct Service Saudi Arabia ( 9 colors).
$1.80 D-03 Direct Service Qatar ( 9 colors).
$1.80 D-05 Dan Beard Council BSA Ohio Kentucky ( 9 colors).
$2.00 D-06 Del-Mar-Va Council, National Scout Jamboree 2001.
$1.50 D-07 Del-Mar-Va Council Inc. Helpful 2000.
$1.50 G-07 Great Salt Lake Council ELK
$1.50 G-08 Great Salt Lake Council 1935 2000 Okla. Riding Into
The Future.
$1.50 G-13 Gamehaven Council 2000 S.E. Minn.
$1.50 G-14 Greater Western Reserve Council 90th Anni. 1910-2000.
$2.00 H-01 Hawkeye Area Council 2001 National Jamboree. Home
of Cap'n Crunch Iowa.
$1.80 H-02 Hiawathaland Council Michigan Wisconsin ( 9 colors)
$1.80 H-03 Hiawatha Seaway Council New York Membership Achiver
1999 ( 9 color)
$1.50 I- 01 Indianhead Scouting/BSA Minnesota Wisconsin 90 years.
$1.50 J- 01 Juniata Valley Council BSA 1997 Jamboree Pennsylvania.
$1.80 K-01 Keystone Area Council Pennsylvania ( 9 colors).
$1.80 K-02 Keystone Area Council Pennsylvania 1999 ( 9 colors).
$1.50 K-03 Keystone Area Council PA BSA 2000.
$1.50 K-04 Katahdin Area Council Maine 2000 Y2K Compliant.
90th Anni. Boy scouts of America, 80th Anni. Katahin Area Council.
$1.50 M-05 Miami valley Council 1960 2000 Bear Claw ( a set =
5 pc of different border color)
$1.50 M-08 Miami Valley Council Ohio.
$1.50 M-09 Miami Valley Council Woodland Trails WTSR 1959 1999.
$1.50 M-10 Mohegan Council Massachusetts.
$1.50 M-12 Mohegan Council Treasure Valley 1925 2000. ( one color)
$1.50 N- 01 Narragansett Council YAWGOOG RI. Conn. Mass.
$2.00 N- 02 N. California USA 19th World Jamboree Chile.
$1.50 N- 03 Northeast Illinois Council 1993 National Scout Jambree
Abridge to---.
$1.80 O- 01 Old Baldy Council California ( 10 colors).
$1.50 O- 02 Old Baldy Council Wilderness Wood Badge.
$1.80 O- 03 Old Baldy Council Scouting is an adventure 1999 (
10 colors).
$1.50 O- 04 Old Baldy Council Scouting Our Future 2000.
$2.00 O- 06 Oregon BSA 1995 O.T.C. C.P.C. C.L.C. World Jamboree
$1.50 O-11 Okaw Valley Council, National Jamboree 2001.
$1.80 O-10 Okaw Valley Council Home Council of Popeye. IL ( 9
$1.50 P-01 Pine Tree Council Maine.
$1.80 P-04 Pony Express Council 90th Anniv. FOS (a set= two pc
of different border color)
$1.50 P-05 Potawatomi Area Council Philmont 2000 Trek.
$1.50 R-01 Robert E. Lee Council Recruiter 1910-2000 90th Anni.
of Scouting.
$1.80 S-04 San Gabriel Valley Council California ( 9 colors).
$2.00 S-06 South Plains Council 75th Anniversary, 1925- 2000.
$1.50 S-07 San Gabriel Valley Council Scout Expo 1998
$1.50 S-08 Sioux Council S.Dak-Minn-Iowa
$1.80 S-09 Sioux Council IA MN SD 1999
$1.50 S-10 Sioux Council SD MN IA 2000 (bear eye)
$1.50 S-11 Sioux Council Philmont 2000
$1.80 S-13 Sam Hous Ton Area Council 90th Anniv. Loyal 1910-2000
$1.50 S-14 Shenandoah Area Council, Virginia, West Virginia.
$2.00 S-15 San Gabriel Valley Council Venture Crew 105 Camp D
Wine Cali. 2000
( a set= 2 pc of differet border color)
$2.00 S-17 Southwest Florida Council BSA 1993 National Jamboree
$1.50 S-18 Suwanee River Area, Florida Georgia 1910-2000 90th
( two colors).
$1.80 T-01 Twin Rivers Council 1993 National Jamboree ( 10 colors).
$1.80 W-01 Winnebago Council, Camp Ingawanis 1924-1999 75. (11
OA Flap:
$1.50 Naguonabe Lodge www 1915 - 1990 75
$1.50 # 6 Wagion Lodge NOAC 2000 www.
$1.80 #16 Tonkawampus Lodge 1929-1989 60th Anniv. 1915-1990 75(
10 colors)
$1.80 #98 NAVAJO NOAC 2000 www ( 9 colors)
$1.80 #98 NAVAJO Holcomb Valley 25th www ( 9 colors)
$1.80 #98 NAVAJO 98 W4B Service Y2K ( 9 colors) ( a set= 5 different
border color)
$1.80 #101 Mikanakawa ( 13 colors)
$1.50 #112 Aquehongian www 1938-1993 Fifty-fifth Anniversry.
$1.80 #127 Cahuilla Lodge 127 www (snake head, bule sky)( 13
$1.80 #127 Cahuilla Lodge 127 www (snake head, colorful sky)(
13 colors)
$2.00 #127 Cahuilla Lodge NOAC 2000 Staff OA 85th www ( a set
= 4 pc of different color)
$1.50 #145 KU-NI-EH DBC BSA www ( a set = 3 pc of different color)
$1.80 #159 HO-DE-NO-SAU-NEE www ( 12 colors)
$1.50 #171 Crazy Horse www ( a set = 6 pc of different color).
$1.50 #224 Cowikee
$5.00 #249 SPE LE YAI Verougo Hills ( a set = upper part + lower
$1.80 #252 Siwinis Lodge www 2000 ( 10 colors)
$1.80 #257 Agaming Lodge www1915-1990 75 ( 10 colors)
$1.80 #257 Agaming Lodge www( 10 colors)
$1.50 $288 Washita Lodge www (colorful)
$1.50 #288 Washita Lodge www ( a set = 2 pc of different color)
$1.50 #324 INI-TO 324 www
$1.50 #387 HA-KIN-SKAY-A-KI 2000
$1.50 #428 Loquanne Allangwh NeTseO Trails Council BSA www.
$1.50 #438 Miniconjou Planters by the stream ( 8 colors)
$1.50 #450 Mitigwa Lodge 50th 1951-2001www.
$1.50 #482 Black Eagle Lodge www Transatlantic Council-B.S.A.
$1.50 $488 Ta Tanka Lodge 2000 NOAC ( a set = 2 pc of different
border color)
$5.00 #488 Ta Tanka Lodge NOAC 2000 ( a set= upper+lower part)
$1.80 $488 Ta Tanka Traders 1999
$1.80 $494 Papago www ( 9 colors) ( a set= 5 pc of different
border color)
$1.50 #506 Yokahu 506 - Puerto Rico 2000 www
$1.50 #508 TU-Cubin Noonie 50 www.
$1.80 #520 Elkuta National Jamboree 93 ( 12 color)
$1.50 #558 Year of the Bear B2K LOAC 2000 www
$1.80 #564 Osceola www ( 11 colors).
Henry Chang
Taiwan R O C (Republic Of China)
Welcome minimum order US$50. I pay freight charge.
Price discount: 1) 10% for $500 ( Please count the grand total
up to $560 )
2) 15% for $1000 ( Please count the grand total up to $1180 )
3) 20% for $3000 ( Please count the grand total up to $3750 )
From My Friend I can get some for you.
Following patches,
$2.20 G-32 Great Salt Lake Council Teton
$2.20 U-01 Utah National Parks Council (Dragon)
$2.20 V-07 Viking Council Minnesota 1989 National Scout Jamboree
$2.20 #508-06 Tu-Cubin-Noonie NOAC 98
$5.00 #508-08 Tu-Cubin-Noonie 2000 www (triangle) 6"x7"
$3.50 #508-09 Millennial Jamboral 2000 OA Indian Village
$2.50 #OA Section W2A
$12.00 #W2A 2001 OA Conclaye 7"
$1.80 #535-04 1st Vigil Reunion 2001
$3.00 (Triangle Arrow) 6"x6.1"
$4.50 #W2A Achgeketum Conclave 1001 4.6"x4.4"
$4.50 #508 Tu-Cubin-Noonie 4.6"x4.4"
$4.50 #520 EL-KU-TA 4.6"x4.4"
$4.50 #535 Awaxaawe' Awachia 4.6"x4.4"
$4.50 #520 BQ Dabywok (Lower part)
$4.50 #Kings Peak (Woulf, Lower part)
$4.50 #Lakota Chapter 2000 (Lower part)
$4.50 #Timpanogos Chapter Tu-Cubin-Noonie Lodge www (Lower part)
$4.50 #508 Amangi ? www (Eagle, Lower part)
$4.50 #508 Deseret www (Lower part)
$4.50 #508 Nez Perce (Lower part)
$4.50 #508 NOAC 2000 tii bihetl ool bitooh nilini (Lower part)
$4.50 #508 Carbon Chapter 2000 (Lower part)
$4.50 #Pach-Qu-OON-Quip (Lower part)
$4.50 #535 Woapalanie Netopalis Eagle Warrior Chapter 2000 (Lower
$2.20 G-18 Great Salt Lake Council James E. West 9 col. (99)
$2.20 G-19 Great Salt Lake Council Philmont 98 10 col.
$2.20 G-20 Great Salt Lake Council Friends Of Scounting The Scout
$2.20 G-21 Great Salt Lake Council Siver Deaver Association (pink)(99)
$2.20 G-22 Great Salt Lake Council Siver Deaver Association (snow)(99)
$2.20 G-23 Great Salt Lake Council Siver Deaver Association (blue)(99)
$2.20 G-24A Great Salt Lake Council Silver Moccasin (sonw, Silver
$2.20 G-24B Great Salt Lake Council Silver Moccasin (sonw, Gray
$2.20 G-25A Great Salt Lake Council Silver Moccasin (Silver border)
$2.20 G-25B Great Salt Lake Council Silver Moccasin (Navy blue
$2.20 G-26 Great Salt Lake Council Wood Badge Association 11
$2.20 G-27 Great Salt Lake Council Bear Lake
$2.20 G-28 Great Salt Lake Council Camp Evergreen
$2.20 G-29 Great Salt Lake Council Camp Frontier
$2.20 G-30 Great Salt Lake Council Camp Steiner
$2.20 G-31 Great Salt Lake Council Camp Tomahawk
$2.20 P-15 Puerto Rico Council Boy Scouts Of America 661 2000
(10 colors)
$2.00 P-16 Concilio De Puerto Rico 661 BSA Isla del Encanto
$2.00 P-17 Concilio De Puerto Rico 661 BSA Guajataka NE-11-96
$2.00 W-04 Western Colorado Council BSA Commissioner's Staff
OA Flaps
$2.00 #506-1 Yokahu 506 - Puerto Rico NOAC 2000 www
$2.00 #506-2 Yokahu 506 - Puerto Rico 2000 www
$1.80 #506-3 Yokahu 506 - Puerto Rico 2000 www
$2.20 #508-1 TU-Cubin Noonie www. (Yellow border)
$2.20 #508-2 TU-Cubin Noonie Honor Lodge 99 www (Silver border)
$2.20 #508-3 TU-Cubin Noonie Conclave 2000 W2A (Blue)
$5.00 #508-4 TU-Cubin Noonie Conclave (Two face) 2000, 1954 1999
$2.20 #508-5 TU-Cubin Noonie www 2000
$2.20 #520-2 Elkuta National Jamboree 93 ( 12 color)
$2.80 $535-1 NOAC 2000 Trapper Trails, Awaxaawe Awachia Univ.
$2.20 $535-2 Awaxaawe Awachia 2000 www (white)
$2.20 $535-3 Awaxaawe Awachia 2000 www (blue)
My stock patches
$2.00 A-27 Alamo Area Council TX 2001 National Jamboree Sponsor.
$1.50 C-03 Concho Valley Council TX FOS (set= 5pc different border
$1.50 C-05-1 Concho Valley Council Texas
$1.50 C-10 Cherokee Area Council, Tennessee Georgia.
$1.50 C-13 Comanche Trail Council, West Texas Rendezvous-lll
$2.00 C-14 Cape Fear Council, 1993 JSP, Fort A.P.Hill,Virginia
$1.50 C-15 Courteous Crossroas of America Friendly BSA FOS 1999.
$1.50 C-17 Courteous Crossroas of America Courteous BSA FOS 2000.
$1.50 C-20 Central Ohio Council 1993 National Jamboree.
$1.50 C-21 Calif. Inland Empire Council 1993 National Jamboree.
$1.80 D-01 Direct Service -Saudi Arabia, 50 Yrs 1946-1996 ( 13
$1.80 D-02 Direct Service Saudi Arabia ( 9 colors).
$1.50 D-07 Del-Mar-Va Council Inc. Helpful 2000.
$1.50 G-07 Great Salt Lake Council ELK
$1.50 G-08 Great Salt Lake Council 1935 2000 Okla. Riding Into
The Future.
$1.50 G-14 Greater Western Reserve Council 90th Anni. 1910-2000.
$2.00 H-01 Hawkeye Area Council 2001 JSP. Home of Cap'n Crunch
$1.80 H-02 Hiawathaland Council Michigan Wisconsin ( 9 colors)
$1.80 H-03 Hiawatha Seaway Council NY Membership Achiver 1999
( 9 color)
$1.50 I- 01 Indianhead Scouting/BSA Minnesota Wisconsin 90 years.
$1.50 J- 01 Juniata Valley Council BSA 1997 Jamboree Pennsylvania.
$1.80 K-01 Keystone Area Council Pennsylvania ( 9 colors).
$1.80 K-02 Keystone Area Council Pennsylvania 1999 ( 9 colors).
$1.50 K-04 Katahdin Area Council 2000 Y2K Compliant. 90th Anni.
$1.50 M-05 Miami valley Council Bear Claw ( a set = 5 border
$1.50 M-08 Miami Valley Council Ohio.
$1.80 M-12 Mohegan Council Treasure Valley 1925 2000. (gray)
$1.80 M-12 Mohegan Council Treasure Valley 1925 2000. (red)
$2.00 N- 02 N. California USA 19th World Jamboree Chile.
$1.50 N- 03 Northeast Illinois Council 1993 National Scout Jambree.
$1.50 O- 02 Old Baldy Council Wilderness Wood Badge.
$1.80 O- 03 Old Baldy Council Scouting is an adventure 1999 (
10 colors).
$1.50 O- 04 Old Baldy Council Scouting Our Future 2000.
$2.00 O- 06 Oregon BSA 1995 O.T.C. C.P.C. C.L.C. World Jambo
$1.50 O- 09 Ouachita Valley Council Louisiana
$1.80 O-10 Okaw Valley Council Home Council of Popeye. IL ( 9
$1.50 O-11 Okaw Valley Council, National Jamboree 2001.
$1.80 P- 04 Pony Express Council 90th Anniv. FOS
$2.00 P- 03 Popcorn Kernel Corps 2000 Suffolk County Council
$1.50 R- 01 Robert E. Lee Council Recruiter 1910-2000 90th An
of Scouting.
$1.80 S- 04 San Gabriel Valley Council California ( 9 colors).
$2.00 S- 06 South Plains Council 75th Anniversary, 1925- 2000.
$1.50 S- 07 San Gabriel Valley Council Scout Expo 1998
$1.50 S- 08 Sioux Council S.Dak-Minn-Iowa
$1.80 S- 09 Sioux Council IA MN SD 1999
$1.50 S- 10 Sioux Council SD MN IA 2000 (bear eye)
$2.00 S- 15 San Gabriel Valley Council Venture Crew 105 2000
(2 pc)
$1.50 S-18 Suwanee River, FL GA 1910-2000 90th ( two colors).
$2.00 S-19 Southwest Florida Council BSA 1993 National Jamboree
$1.80 T-01 Twin Rivers Council 1993 National Jamboree ( 10 colors).
$1.80 W-01 Winnebago, Camp Ingawanis 1924-1999(11 colors) OA
$1.80 $31 Nagonabe
$2.20 #98 NAVAJO NOAC 1998 www ( 9 colors)
$2.20 #98 NAVAJO NOAC 2000 www ( 9 colors)
$1.80 #98 NAVAJO Holcomb Valley 25th www ( 9 colors)
$1.80 #98 NAVAJO 98 W4B Service Y2K ( 9 colors)
$1.80 #101 Mikanakawa ( 13 colors)
$1.80 #127 Cahuilla Lodge 127 www (snake head, bule sky)( 13
$1.80 #127 Cahuilla Lodge 127 www (snake head, colorful sky)(
13 colors)
$2.00 #127 Cahuilla Lodge NOAC 2000 Staff OA 85th www (set =
4 dif color)
$1.50 #145 KU-NI-EH DBC BSA www (silver)
$1.50 #145 KU-NI-EH DBC BSA www (white)
$1.50 #145 KU-NI-EH DBC BSA www (colorful)
$1.80 #159 HO-DE-NO-SAU-NEE www ( 12 colors)
$1.80 #257 Agaming Lodge www( 10 colors)
$1.50 #258 Shenandoah www Barnett Campsite
$2.00 #282 Achewon Nimat 1965-2000 35 www.
$1.50 #288 Washita Lodge www (colorful)
$1.50 #288 Washita Lodge www (orange)
$1.50 #288 Washita Lodge www (green)
$8.50 #312 Nebagamon www (a set = Uper + lower part)
$2.20 #377 Sipp-O-Lodge Winter Banquet 2000 www (11 colors)
$1.50 #450 Mitigwa Lodge 50th 1951-2001www.
$1.50 #482 Black Eagle Lodge www Transatlantic Council-B.S.A.
$1.50 #488 Ta Tanka Lodge 2000 NOAC (white border)
$1.50 #488 Ta Tanka Lodge 2000 NOAC (black border)
$5.00 #488 Ta Tanka Lodge NOAC 2000 ( a set = upper+ lower part)
$1.80 #488 Ta Tanka Traders 1999
$1.80 #494 Papago www ( a set = 5 pc of different border color)
$1.80 #520-1 Elkuta National Jamboree 93 ( 12 color)
$1.50 #558 Year of the Bear B2K LOAC 2000 www
$1.80 #564 Osceola www ( 11 colors )
How you can
If you receive a sales list, forward it
to me so we can publish it to warn others on what to avoid.
If you are part of the ordering process
for your Council and you find your patches on the list CHANGE
SUPPLIERS. Let them know that the counterfeiting hurts your Council
and they will need to prevent it if they want your busioness.
Put the No-Chang List Patches logo (found
at the top of this page) on your website and link it back to
this page so others become informed.
Don't buy, don't trade
and don't auction Chang list patches.